uritools — RFC 3986 compliant replacement for urlparse

This module defines RFC 3986 compliant replacements for the most commonly used functions of the Python 2.7 Standard Library urlparse and Python 3 urllib.parse modules.

>>> from uritools import uricompose, urijoin, urisplit, uriunsplit
>>> uricompose(scheme='foo', host='example.com', port=8042,
...            path='/over/there', query={'name': 'ferret'},
...            fragment='nose')
>>> parts = urisplit(_)
>>> parts.scheme
>>> parts.authority
>>> parts.getport(default=80)
>>> parts.getquerydict().get('name')
>>> urijoin(uriunsplit(parts), '/right/here?name=swallow#beak')

For various reasons, the Python 2 urlparse module is not compliant with current Internet standards, does not include Unicode support, and is generally unusable with proprietary URI schemes. Python 3’s urllib.parse improves on Unicode support, but the other issues still remain. As stated in Lib/urllib/parse.py:

RFC 3986 is considered the current standard and any future changes
to urlparse module should conform with it.  The urlparse module is
currently not entirely compliant with this RFC due to defacto
scenarios for parsing, and for backward compatibility purposes,
some parsing quirks from older RFCs are retained.

This module aims to provide fully RFC 3986 compliant replacements for the most commonly used functions found in urlparse and urllib.parse, plus additional functions for conveniently composing URIs from their individual components.

See also

RFC 3986 - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
The current Internet standard (STD66) defining URI syntax, to which any changes to uritools should conform. If deviations are observed, the module’s implementation should be changed, even if this means breaking backward compatibility.

URI Classification

According to RFC 3986, a URI reference is either a URI or a relative reference. If the URI reference’s prefix does not match the syntax of a scheme followed by its colon separator, then the URI reference is a relative reference.

A relative reference that begins with two slash characters is termed a network-path reference. A relative reference that begins with a single slash character is termed an absolute-path reference. A relative reference that does not begin with a slash character is termed a relative-path reference.

When a URI reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its fragment component, identical to the base URI, that reference is called a same-document reference. Examples of same-document references are relative references that are empty or include only the number sign (“#”) separator followed by a fragment identifier.

A URI without a fragment identifier is termed an absolute URI. A base URI, for example, must be an absolute URI. If the base URI is obtained from a URI reference, then that reference must be stripped of any fragment component prior to its use as a base URI.


Return True if uristring is a URI.


Return True if uristring is an absolute URI.


Return True if uristring is a network-path reference.


Return True if uristring is an absolute-path reference.


Return True if uristring is a relative-path reference.


Return True if uristring is a same-document reference.

URI Composition

uritools.uricompose(scheme=None, authority=None, path='', query=None, fragment=None, userinfo=None, host=None, port=None, querysep='&', encoding='utf-8')

Compose a URI reference string from its individual components.

All components may be specified as either Unicode strings, which will be encoded according to encoding, or bytes objects.

authority may also be passed a three-item iterable specifying userinfo, host and port subcomponents. If both authority and any of the userinfo, host or port keyword arguments are given, the keyword argument will override the corresponding authority subcomponent.

query may also be passed a mapping object or a sequence of two-element tuples, which will be converted to a string of name=value pairs separated by querysep.

The returned URI reference is of type str.

uritools.urijoin(base, ref, strict=False)

Convert a URI reference relative to a base URI to its target URI string.

If strict is False, a scheme in the reference is ignored if it is identical to the base URI’s scheme.


Combine the elements of a five-item iterable into a URI reference’s string representation.

URI Decomposition


Remove an existing fragment component from a URI reference string.

The return value is an instance of a subclass of collections.namedtuple with the following read-only attributes:

Attribute Index Value
uri 0 Absolute URI, or relative reference without a fragment identifier
fragment 1 Fragment identifier, or None if no fragment was present

Split a well-formed URI reference string into a tuple with five components corresponding to a URI’s general structure:


The return value is an instance of a subclass of collections.namedtuple with the following read-only attributes:

Attribute Index Value
scheme 0 URI scheme, or None if not present
authority 1 Authority component, or None if not present
path 2 Path component, always present but may be empty
query 3 Query component, or None if not present
fragment 4 Fragment identifier, or None if not present
userinfo   Userinfo subcomponent of authority, or None if not present
host   Host subcomponent of authority, or None if not present
port   Port subcomponent of authority as a (possibly empty) string, or None if not present

URI Encoding

uritools.uridecode(uristring, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Decode a URI string or string component.

If encoding is set to None, return the percent-decoded uristring as a bytes object. Otherwise, replace any percent-encodings and decode uristring using the codec registered for encoding, returning a Unicode string.

uritools.uriencode(uristring, safe='', encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Encode a URI string or string component.

If uristring is a bytes object, replace any characters not in UNRESERVED or safe with their corresponding percent-encodings and return the result as a bytes object. Otherwise, encode uristring using the codec registered for encoding before replacing any percent encodings.

Structured Parse Results

The result objects from the uridefrag() and urisplit() functions are instances of subclasses of collections.namedtuple. These objects contain the attributes described in the function documentation, as well as some additional convenience methods.

class uritools.DefragResult

Class to hold uridefrag() results.

getfragment(default=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Return the decoded fragment identifier, or default if the original URI did not contain a fragment component.


Return the recombined version of the original URI as a string.

class uritools.SplitResult

Base class to hold urisplit() results.

getauthority(default=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Return the decoded userinfo, host and port subcomponents of the URI authority as a three-item tuple.

getfragment(default=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Return the decoded fragment identifier, or default if the original URI reference did not contain a fragment component.

gethost(default=None, errors='strict')

Return the decoded host subcomponent of the URI authority as a string or an ipaddress address object, or default if the original URI reference did not contain a host.

getpath(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Return the normalized decoded URI path.


Return the port subcomponent of the URI authority as an int, or default if the original URI reference did not contain a port or if the port was empty.

getquery(default=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Return the decoded query string, or default if the original URI reference did not contain a query component.

getquerydict(sep='&', encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Split the query component into individual name=value pairs separated by sep and return a dictionary of query variables. The dictionary keys are the unique query variable names and the values are lists of values for each name.

getquerylist(sep='&', encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Split the query component into individual name=value pairs separated by sep, and return a list of (name, value) tuples.


Return the URI scheme in canonical (lowercase) form, or default if the original URI reference did not contain a scheme component.


Return the re-combined version of the original URI reference as a string.

getuserinfo(default=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')

Return the decoded userinfo subcomponent of the URI authority, or default if the original URI reference did not contain a userinfo field.


Return True if this is an absolute-path reference.


Return True if this is an absolute URI.


Return True if this is a network-path reference.


Return True if this is a relative-path reference.


Return True if this is a same-document reference.


Return True if this is a URI.

transform(ref, strict=False)

Transform a URI reference relative to self into a SplitResult representing its target URI.

Character Constants


A string containing all general delimiting characters specified in RFC 3986.


A string containing all reserved characters specified in RFC 3986.


A string containing all subcomponent delimiting characters specified in RFC 3986.


A string containing all unreserved characters specified in RFC 3986.